Web and Graphics

A picture of a yellow mailbox that has letters of TBTB. There is a red flag coming out of the mailbox. There is a maroon background to represent the TBTB website.
A mailbox that Tucker Salovaara created in photoshop. He used the drawing and the pen to construct the mailbox.
An image that shows the old TBTB logo with bubbly letters that says "Casting Call.” In the bottom left corner it says "February 19th at 520 8th Avenue.”
A logo created by Tucker Salovaara for his apprenticeship at Theater Breaking Through Barriers while they were having open auditions for the production of Public Servant. He used photoshop to design this graphic. He used an eraser tool to cut out the background of both images and then combined them into one.
For my final homework I was tasked with making a fictional movie poster. I used Photoshop and illustrator to remove backgrounds from several different images and then put them all together as one piece. The image shows that Jesus and Satin are arm wrestling each other. The text reads "Heaven vs. Hell." Heaven's font color is white and Hell is in a fiery font.
Fictional movie poster using Photoshop and illustrator.

Design. Web. Video Editing. Content Creation. Motion Graphics. Fast track Media exceeds your needs.